Title: Resilient Infrastructure Public-private Partnerships (PPPs): Contract and Procurement – The Case of India

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Guidelines

Published: January 1, 2018

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: India

Topic: Pro-poor

Keywords: Contractual Provisions, Contractual provisions, Key contractual provisions, Key contractual provisions, Contractual provisions, Procurement

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Document Summary:

Although there is no single policy and legal framework specifically directed toward PPP implementation in India at a national level, various sector-specific and state-specific acts, rules, and guidelines provide key regulations for PPP in India under different jurisdictions.

Document Details:

India is vulnerable to a wide range of natural hazards, particularly flooding, cyclones, drought, extreme heat waves, landslides, wildfire, and earthquakes. In the context of climate change, the intensity and frequency of weather-related shocks are likely to increase. India is also one of the key implementers of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) across infrastructure sectors such as roads, ports, airports, energy, and water and sanitation. It is among the Top 5 countries in the world in terms of cumulative investments in PPPs over the past 25 years. India’s experience in PPP projects affected by natural hazards offers insights and lessons on how disaster and climate risks can be managed under PPPs in emerging market and developing economies. 

Resilient Infrastructure Public-private Partnerships (PPPs): Contract and Procurement – The Case of India, World Bank, 2018 gives an overview on the availability of insurance for PPP projects in the context of climate change in India.

Updated: October 25, 2021