Title: Trial Measures for Price Administration and Costs Sharing of Electricity Generated from Renewable Energy (可再生能源发电价格和费用分摊管理试行办法)

Languages: Chinese

Type: Document

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sectors: Energy and Power

Keywords: Legal Framework *, Renewable Energy


Trial Measures for Price Administration and Costs Sharing of Electricity Generated from Renewable Energy (可再可再生能源发电价格和费用分摊管理试行办法80.13 KB

Document Summary:

Document Details:

Trial Measures for Pricing and Cost Sharing Management for Renewable Energy Power Generation (可再生能源发电价格和费用分摊管理试行办法)

Issued by NDRC in January 2006, produced in accordance with the Renewable Energy Law.

Pricing in two forms: government fixed and government guided, which is selected through a public request for tenders. Pricing methods of different renewable power sectors, cost allocation, tariff setting formulas.

For more information about this sector, please visit Public–Private Partnerships in Energy and Power.

Updated: March 21, 2021