Title: Residual Waste Treatment Contract (Waste Infrastructure Delivery Programme - WIDP)

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sectors: Municipal Solid Waste

Keywords: Municipal Solid Waste



UK Waste Management Plan 2013321.04 KB, UK Waste management schedule547.04 KB

Document Summary:

This standard form contract for residual waste treatment was developed under the Waste Infrastructure Delivery Programme (WIDP) operated under the United Kingdom’s Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

Document Details:

The contract and its schedules were last updated in November 2010. The contract contains an extensive section pertaining to the respective works and services, termination events and compensation upon termination as well as general terms, such as sub-contracting, intellectual property and change in ownership in the contractor. It also provides helpful drafting guidance whenever alternative clauses to those suggested in the standard form contract might be considered.

For more information about public-private partnerships in the solid waste sector visit Solid Waste PPPs.

Tracking Number:




Updated: March 23, 2021