Title: Land Use Agreement (LUA) Model for Renewable Energy Electricity Generating Facilities in RCREEE Member States

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 1, 2012

Region: Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sectors: Energy and Power

Keywords: Contractual Provisions


Document Details:

Land Use Agreement (LUA) Model for Renewable Energy Electricity Generating Facilities in RCREEE Member States, Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE), January 2012. LUA of public owned lands to be used for Renewable Energy (RE) projects.  Agreement between the Land Owner (a public entity) and a Land User (a company investing in project development in the field of renewables) for a term of 23 years (divided into three phases: installation, operation and removal of renewable energy improvements). 


Related Information: 

User's Guide for Renewable Energy Electricty Generating Facilities' Land Use Agreement (LUA) Model 

Power Purchase Agreement Model for Electricity Generated from Renewable Energy in RCREEE Member States

User's Guide for the PPA Model for Electricity Generated from Renewable Energy Facilities 

Clean Technology PPPs


Tracking Reference: LandUseAgreeementRCREEE_2012_English


Updated: March 22, 2021