Title: World Bank Group Guarantee Products Guidance Note

Languages: English

Type: Document, Publication

Published: April 1, 2016

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: Risk, Risk allocation, PPP Reference Guide, PPP Online Reference Guide **, PPP Basics ***


World Bank Group Guarantee Products Guidance Note1.39 MB

Document Summary:

This guide summarizes each of the relevant products and provides practical guidance on when each product might be helpful. This is the first time that the World Bank Group has developed a guide explaining the range of risk mitigation products that are available for a PPP transaction.

Document Details:

WBG Guarantees_0.JPG





Have you ever wondered how the various World Bank Group risk mitigation and guarantee products can be used to manage risks in a PPP transaction?

This guide summarizes each of the relevant products and provides practical guidance on when each product might be helpful. This is the first time that the World Bank Group has developed a guide explaining the range of risk mitigation products that are available for a PPP transaction. 

It is also available in Spanish - Productos de Garantía del Grupo Banco Mundial Nota de Orientación and French - Produits de Garantie du Groupe de la Banque Mondiale


Related Information:

Risk Mitigation Mechanisms


Tracking Reference:


Image by xl w from Pixabay


Updated: June 1, 2022