Title: TransMilenio Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Case Study

Published: May 25, 2019

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Colombia

Topic: Climate-Smart

Keywords: Climate Smart, Transport

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

The TransMilenio Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system opened to the public in December 2000 and replaced a system of many small competing enterprises. It is considered as a model case for a mass urban transit system and was replicated by various cities. The TransMilenio operates like a rail-based system by providing dedicated lanes for the exclusive use of the system’s buses, with boarding stations along the length of the lanes. It is a registered Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). GHG emission reductions were, for example, achieved by a renewal of the bus fleet, increased capacity of the buses, improved operating conditions (e.g. bus-priority traffic signals), centralized bus-fleet control, and the introduction of pre-payment technology that  which streamlined board process).

Document Details:

TransMilenio Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system

Updated: October 25, 2021