Title: Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka Act 2002

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: Sri Lanka

Keywords: PPP Project Cycle, Contractual Provisions, Legal Framework *, Contract, Concession



Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka Act (PDF) bytes

Document Details:

Act to establish a multi-sector regulator to regulate certain physical infrastructure industries in Sri Lanka.  The Act initially provided for the regulation of the Electricity and Water Service industries; the Petroleum industry was added in 2006 to the list of regulated industries.  With the passage of the Sri-Lanka Electricity Act 2009, the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka Act currently regulates the generation, transmission, distribution, supply, and use of electricity in Sri Lanka.  The process of drafting proposed legislations for the Water Services and Petroleum industries is ongoing to enable the PUCSL to regulate these industries. The Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka website provides notices on latest tariff, guidelines for setting tariff, and applications for Electricity Licenses.

Updated: October 25, 2021