Title: Public Private Partnership Toolkit - PPIAF, the World Bank and AusAID

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: Contractual Provisions, Airport


Document Summary:

This toolkit provides tools, methodologies and processes to assist the governments/agencies to strengthen decision-making at all key stages of the PPP project cycle. The toolkit covers highways, water and sanitation, ports, solid waste management and urban transport sectors and also includes financial viability indicator model, PPP family Indicator, PPP suitability Filter, mode validation tool, case studies and more.

Document Details:

The PPP Toolkit is a web-based resource that has been designed to help improve decision-making for infrastructure PPPs in India and to improve the quality of the PPPs that are developed. The Toolkit is for use by PPP practitioners across India in both the public and private sectors. It has been designed with a focus on helping decision-making by Project Officers at the Central, State and Municipal levels. Other users, including PPP practitioners in the private sectors, will also find the material useful.

The Public Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF), the World Bank and AusAID provided funding to the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, government of India (DEA) to prepare a Toolkit for improving PPP decision-Making Processes. The Toolkit has been prepared as a part of a PPP capacity building programme for the DEA to further its support for scaling up PPPs.


Updated: October 7, 2021