Title: Nigeria: Cross River State Hospital

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: June 1, 2013

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Country: Nigeria

Keywords: Health, Knowledge Lab ***


Document Summary:

Brief on IFC's PPP advisory support to the government of Cross River in Nigeria to support the structuring and implementation of a public-private partnership (PPP) for a new referral hospital in the capital city of Calabar.

Document Details:

Cross River State, with just over 0.5 hospital beds per thousand people, has the lowest density of hospital infrastructure in the South-South region of Nigeria. While there
is nascent private sector involvement in the health sector, most health care delivery
is provided by the state; however, the network of public sector hospitals and health care centers does not meet the region’s needs. The government of Cross River State hired IFC as lead transaction advisor to support the structuring and implementation of a public-private partnership (PPP) for a new referral hospital in the capital city of Calabar that will deliver an affordable international standard of health care for the state.

A 10-year concession was awarded to UCL Healthcare Services Ltd, an international consortium comprising Utopian Healthcare Consulting (U.S.), Cure Hospital Manage- ment Services (U.S.), Cuningham Group (U.S.), Consultants Collaborative Partnership (Nigeria), ITB Nigeria Limited (Nigeria), HealthFore Technologies (India), and Simed International (the Netherlands). The consortium will bear some project development costs, deliver a turnkey hospital, and will be responsible for operating the hospital under the terms defined in the PPP agreement.

The PPP agreement was signed on June 24, 2013. The hospital will be operational in 2015.

Updated: June 28, 2022