Digital-in-Health: Unlocking the Value for Everyone

The World Bank’s report, Digital-in-Health: Unlocking the Value for Everyone, calls for a new digital-in-health approach where digital technology and data are infused into every aspect of health systems management and health service delivery for better health outcomes. The report proposes ten recommendations across three priority areas for governments to invest in: prioritize, connect and scale.



Strategic Investment for Health System Resilience: A Three-Layer Framework

The framework includes layer 1, risk reduction—promoting emergency-ready primary health care, public health, prevention, and community preparedness; layer 2, detection, containment, and mitigation capabilities; and layer 3, advanced case management and surge response. This three-layer framework prioritizes interventions that prevent a public health threat from developing in the first place (layer 1), limit its spread should one emerge (layer 2), and manage a widespread crisis that compromises a health system’s ability to deliver care sustainably (layer 3).

Public-Private Partnerships for Health in Vietnam: Issues and Options

The book defines health-related PPPs, describes their key characteristics, and develops a taxonomy of the different types of PPPs that exist in practice, illustrated by international examples. It also assesses the regulatory and institutional framework for the health PPP program in Vietnam, as well as financing and accountability mechanisms for PPPs at its national and subnational levels.

Innovations in Health Service Delivery : The Corporatization of Public Hospitals

This book, a well-documented collection of case studies, is an attempt to examine the design, implementation and impact of reforms that introduced market forces in the public hospital sector; and tries to answer three questions: a) what problems did this type of reform try to address; b) what are the core elements of their design, implementation, and evaluation; and c) is there any evidence that this type of reform is successful in addressing problems for which they were intended?


India Green Book Model Concession Agreement for Diagnostic Center

Model concession agreement for diagnostic center on design, build, develop, finance, operate and transfer (DBDFOT) basis and provide diagnostic services (including supply of equipment and staff) to concessionaire's own private patients as well as a minimum of public health funded patients.  Developed for use by states for health care provision

Authority is the relevant state.

Authority to provide land for facility and subject to limitations on allowing competing facilities to be built within a certain radius of center.

Green Book Greenfield Medical Hospital Concession Agreement

Model concession agreement for greenfield dedical hospital [and teaching hospital] on design, build, develop, finance, operate and transfer (DBDFOT) basis and provide hospital services (including supply of equipment and staff) to concessionaire's own private patients as well as a minimum of public health funded patients. Developed for use by states for health care provision.

Authority is the relevant state.

Authority to provide land for facility and subject to limitations on allowing competing facilities to be built within a certain radius of center.