Title: Model Concession Agreement developed by the Food Corporation of India for Grain Storage

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 1, 2014

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: India

Keywords: Contract


Model Concession Agreement for Storage of Foodgrains2.01 MB, Overview of Model Concession Agreement255.23 KB

Document Summary:

This model concession agreement has been developed by the Food Corporation of India to encourage the use of PPP in grain storage facilities.

The concession agreement is for building, financing and operating storage facilities for food grains.

Document Details:

The concession agreement is long (over 140 pages) and so may be difficult for smaller scale operators to understand.  It creates a comprehensive framework and is based in large part on the model concession agreement developed originally for highways by the National Planning Commission.

Image by PIxabay

Updated: June 17, 2022