Title: The Market for Small-Scale Piped Water Systems in Kenya

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: June 1, 2011

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Country: Kenya

Sector: Water and Sanitation

Keywords: Knowledge Lab ***, Water

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Document Summary:

The opportunities and challenges in this market are assessed in a recent IFC study, Small-Scale Water System Survey and Market Assessment: Kenya. The study reviewed the scope of small-scale piped water provision in the country’s peri-urban and rural areas, and conducted an in-depth analysis of fi ve such systems to determine the opportunities for expanding commercial investment and private sector participation. The research was conducted under the auspices of IFC’s Sanitation and Safe Water for All (SSAWA) program, which had identified the lack of information on small piped water systems as one of the barriers to market development.

Document Details:

There are at least 1,200 small water service providers in Kenya’s rural and peri-urban areas. These community- managed projects generally serve between 50 and 2,500 connections, including both household and shared connections. Many of these systems need to improve both the quality and quantity of water that they supply. Yet given the country’s developmental needs, public and donor funds are unable to meet the national demand for widespread and decentralized infrastructure investment.

Updated: June 28, 2022