Region: Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Country: Jordan
Keywords: PPP Tools *, PPP Online Reference Guide **, PPP Basics ***, Jordan, PPP Reference Guide
Document Summary:
The Queen Alia Airport is Jordan’s main international airport and a key component of the country’s transport, trade and tourism infrastructure. In 2007, IFC served as transaction advisor to the Jordanian government on structuring and awarding a 25-year concession to a private sector operator responsible for reconstructing and expanding the airport’s terminal. It was the first successful airport public-private partnership in the Middle East. The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), IFC, and commercial lenders financed the project. The new terminal was opened in March 2013 and by mid-2014, IFC, with the IsDB, provided and arranged an additional $68 million in loans to finance an expansion of the new terminal’s related facilities.
Document Details:
IsDB and WBG. 2016. Jordan: Queen Alia Airport. Infrastructure Investment Project Briefs. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and Washington, DC: Islamic Development Bank and World Bank Group. [#2885]
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