Title: Infrastructure Resilience

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Institution

Published: March 30, 2022

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: Japan

Topic: Tools

Keywords: About *, About PPP **, PPP Framework ***, Japan

Document Link(s):


Document Summary:

Incorporating Resilience in Infrastructure Prioritization

Document Details:

Infrastructure resilience encompasses the ability of a system to minimize loss of functionality and to recover functionality after a disruption. A methodology has been developed to incorporate elements of resilience in the infrastructure planning process, and this tool is a practical approach to apply this concept to the project level. 

The World Bank Group and Government of Japan established the Quality Infrastructure Investment (QII) Partnership to focus attention on quality dimensions of infrastructure in developing countries, with a focus on promoting disaster resilience. Moreover, to support infrastructure investment decision making for sustainable and resilient development, the World Bank and Kyoto University have operationalized key resilience concepts at the project level and developed quantitative indicators capturing key aspects of infrastructure resilience. These indicators estimate ‘resilience’, expressed in terms of functionality loss and recovery time across four dimensions: travel time, economic benefit, provision of life-saving services, and provision of relief goods. The approach is now being tested for transport projects.


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Updated: September 8, 2024