Title: Infrastructure development through PPPs in India: criteria for sustainability assessment

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: June 1, 2015

Region: South Asia (SA)

Country: India

Keywords: About PPP **, Knowledge Lab ***

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Document Summary:

This report analyze the infrastructure development through PPPs in India.

Document Details:

Public private partnerships (PPPs) allow the Indian Government to leverage private capital for meeting the widening demand-supply gap in the provision of infrastructure services. The private sector, however, prefers to limit the participation to financially attractive projects only, thereby resulting in patterns of infrastructure creation impeding the progress towards sustainable development. In order to promote sustainable development, the PPP procurement process should focus on incentivising the private sector for sustainable infrastructure development rather than concentrating on ensuring financial sustainability only. This paper discusses the principles-based PPP-specific framework that has been developed to facilitate assessment of PPP projects’ progress towards sustainable development. The framework development was based on a holistic approach to sustainability assessment and subsequently validated through questionnaire survey with key stakeholders in the Indian PPP programme. This framework will provide the decision makers with appropriate decision aid for integration of sustainable development principles in the PPP procurement process.

Updated: April 12, 2022