Title: Green Book - Model Concession Agreement for Brownfield Hospital

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 1, 2014

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: India

Keywords: Legal Framework *, Contract


Document Details:

Model concession agreement for a brownfield hospital (secondary / tertiary care) on design, build, develop, upgrade, finance, operate and transfer (DBDFOT) basis and  services (including supply of equipment and staff) to concessionaire's own private patients as well as a minimum of public health funded patients. Developed for use by states for health care provision

Authority is the relevant state.

Authority to provide land for facility.

[Authority will pay a grant to reduce financing costs] Concessionaire to pay a concession fee

Authority to reimburse concessionaire for the costs of the public health funded patients, up to a specified cap.

Arbitration and conciliation - domestic

Standard termination provision and specified handback conditions

Updated: March 30, 2021