Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)
Country: Global / Non-Specific
Keywords: PPP Online Reference Guide **, PPP Framework ***, Legal Framework *, Public Sector, PPP Unit
Document Summary:
European Expertise Centre (EPEC), August 2014.
Document Details:
In coordination with EPEC Members, the EPEC team has conducted reviews of institutional frameworks for 24 EPEC Members (set out in ‘Unit Reports’) a number of which are publicly available on the EPEC website. A central PPP Unit was identified in 18 of the 24 institutional frameworks reviewed. The purpose of this report is to draw collectively from these Unit Reports in order to identify trends and lessons learnt. It is based on information that was correct at the date of publication for each Unit Report, i.e. between October 2011 and March 2014. This report also makes some, though more limited, reference to the experience of the PPP Units and programmes of EPEC Members for which Unit Reports have not been prepared.
For more information on PPP units visit PPP Units Around the World.
Tracking Number: Establishing and Reforming PPP Units_EN.pdf
EPEC. 2014a. Establishing and Reforming PPP Units: Analysis of EPEC member Units and lessons learnt. Luxembourg: European Investment Bank, European PPP Expertise Centre. [#1104]