Title: Engaging Local Private Operators in Water Supply and Sanitation Services: Initial lessons from emerging experience in Cambodia, Colombia, Paraguay, The Philippines, and Uganda

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: December 12, 2006

Region: Global

Country: Cambodia, Colombia, Paraguay, Philippines, Uganda

Sector: Water and Sanitation

Keywords: Knowledge Lab ***, Water


Document Summary:

This report summarizes information on the contracts and the selection process, extracts lessons learned to date from the cases, and recommends follow-up activities to address some key issues and fill gaps that were identified in the course of the study.

Document Details:

This paper examines the experience of developing local private sector participation (PSP) in small and medium-size towns in Cambodia, Colombia, Paraguay, The Philippines, and Uganda. The paper, which reviews schemes supported by the World Bank, summarizes information on the contracts and the selection process, extracts lessons learned to date from the cases, and recommends follow-up activities to address some key issues and fill gaps that were identified in the course of the study. An overarching lesson from this study is that innovation and adaptation are essential to the successful introduction of local PSP. Designing interventions that include a process of innovation, adaptation, and refinement is the first step in ensuring that contracts are tailored to local characteristics and conditions.

Updated: June 16, 2022