Title: Egypt Concession Law PPP No.67 of 2010 (English)

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

Country: Egypt

Topics: Procurement

Keywords: Legal Framework *, Legal issues, Preparation, Procurement, Implementation, Concession, PPP Cycle ***, PPP Online Reference Guide **, PPP Reference Guide


Egypt Concession Law PPP (English) bytes

Document Details:

This English translation of the Law No. 67 for the year 2010 has been reviewed by Zulficar & Partners Law Firm and Trowers & Hamlins in association with Nour Law Office. Neither The Ministry of Finance PPPCU, and its employees, nor its above mentioned legal advisors, their partners, employees and consultants, makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of this translation.
All such parties and entities expressly disclaim any and all liability for, or based on or relating to this translation of The Law No. 67 for the year 2010. It shall be noted than in case of any and all discrepancies between
the original Arabic provisions and this translation, the original Arabic provisions of the Law shall prevail.

Tracking Number: Egypt Concession Law_2010_English

EG. 2011. Executive Regulation of Law No. 67 of 2010, Issued through Prime Minister Decree No. 238 of 2011. Cairo: Government of Egypt. [#4257]

Updated: June 3, 2022