Title: Designing and Using Public-Private Partnership Units in Infrastructure - Lessons from Case Studies around the World

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 1, 2007

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: Public Sector, PPP Unit


Document Details:

By Apurva Sanghi, Alex Sundakov, and Denzel Hankinson, Gridlines No. 27, Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) September 2007 

Public-private partnership (PPP) units for facilitating and managing infrastructure investments have existed for years in many developed countries. Driven in part by growing infrastructure investment, these units have also begun to proliferate in the developing world. While governments often seem eager to create such units, not everyone in the global PPP market is convinced of their value. This issue of Gridlines assesses eight PPP units around the world and examines whether these institutions have contributed to successful PPPs and if so, under what conditions.

For more information about PPP units visit PPP Units around the World. 


Tracking Reference: Designing and Using PPP Units_Gridlines 27_PPIAF.EN

Updated: August 13, 2024