Title: Country Readiness Diagnostic for Public-Private Partnerships

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: June 1, 2016

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: Knowledge Lab ***, PPP Tools *, Toolkits **, PPP Framework ***


Document Summary:

The end goal of the Diagnostic is to provide strategic, customized advice to client countries so they can make informed decisions in determining an operational plan for their PPP program, the choice of public investment vis-à-vis PPP, and type of PPP. 

Document Details:

This tool assesses a country’s readiness to implement public-private partnerships (PPPs). The tools helps determine which areas require change or improvement by reviewing the PPP environment and comparing it to global best practice standards. Areas reviewed include:

  • PPP experience
  • stakeholder support and ownership
  • legislative and regulatory framework
  • institutional framework
  • government support and managing fiscal risk
  • access to finance
  • transparency and accountability.

The tool includes three phases: (i) desktop preparation; (ii) on-site due diligence; and (iii) strategic definition. It concludes with a PPP strategy for the country. The tool is currently being piloted and may be further refined.


WB. 2016a. Country Readiness Diagnostic for Public-Private Partnerships. Washington, DC: World Bank. #3553
