Title: The Checklist on Law and Disaster Risk Reduction

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Checklists

Published: October 1, 2015

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Topic: Climate-Smart

Keywords: PPPs by Topic *, Climate Smart **, Risk

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

The Checklist on Law and Disaster Risk Reduction (the Checklist) provides a prioritized list of ten key questions that lawmakers, implementing officials, and those supporting them need to consider in order to ensure that their laws provide the best support for DRR. It covers not only dedicated disaster risk management (DRM) laws but also other sectoral laws and regulations that are critical for building safety and resilience, as well as the environment, land and natural resource management. The Handbook on Law and Disaster Risk Reduction has been developed to provide further detail and practical guidance on how the Checklist can be used as a tool for strengthening laws and regulations and commitments made under the Sendai Framework.

Document Details:

The Checklist on Law and Disaster Risk Reduction