Title: The Caribbean Renewable Energy Development Programme (CREDP) Toolkit

Languages: English

Type: Document

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sectors: Energy and Power

Keywords: Climate Smart, Renewable Energy


Power Purchase Agreement Template330 KB, Operation & Maintenance Agreement Template282.5 KB, Interconnection Agreement Template288.5 KB, Engineering, Procurement & Contracting (EPC)657.5 KB

Document Summary:

Typically, a developer seeking RET project financing approaches a lender with a package that includes a fairly common slate of fundamental transaction documents. They may range from complex plans for a facility using a novel technology to simple (but important) term sheets for the deal or a loan.

Document Details:

The purpose was to identify the most important of those documents and to replicate, in templates for those documents, the critical elements of a proposed transaction package. 


Template Transaction Documents
Engineering, Procurement & Contracting (EPC)
For RET equipment, manufacturers may offer the best deals, using their own standard agreements. Such manufacturer's deals may be fixed price, turnkey contracts with favorable financing terms.
Interconnection Agreement Template

Interconnection with the grid of the purchasing utility is a precondition to delivery of RET project energy and the resulting revenue stream.

Operation & Maintenance Agreement Template
Local maintenance of RET projects is a worthwhile goal, but manufacturer support is more practical, and would typically be done under a standard contract.
Power Purchase Agreement Template
This is the most important document in gaining financing and may contain prices based on avoided costs or fixed capacity and energy prices.

Updated: March 23, 2021