Title: Bendigo Hospital PPP Project Documents

Languages: English

Published: January 1, 2013

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: Australia

Keywords: PPP Project Cycle, Preparation, Request for proposals


Document Details:


Victoria Government, Australia

Department on Health

PPP for a new 372 inpatient hospital with integrated cancer and mental health facilities

start date - May 2013, end date Jan 2042 - 25 years


The State of Victoria has entered into a Project Agreement with Exemplar Health (NBH) Partnership for the:

  • design, construction and finance of a new hospital in Bendigo on the Barnard Street Site 
  • provision of a range of facilities management services for the hospital campus over a 25-year period
  • design, construction, finance and operation of various commercial development opportunities.

The Project is a $630 million (capital expenditure) investment in a world-class regional hospital.

Exemplar Health has contracted with the State to finance, design and construct the New Facility and provide related facilities management services in the Precinct (including the New Facility) and Academic Precinct (excluding Academic Precinct buildings) over a 25-year term. The Project Agreement details he State’s minimum design requirements (Output Specification) which Exemplar Health must meet in delivering the New Facility and the minimum service performance requirements (Services Specification) Exemplar Health must achieve throughout the 25-year Operating Term. The full array of Exemplar Health’s obligations is contained in the Project Agreement and ancillary contracts.

The State is to pay a significant portion of the total capital cost (75% of debt projected at financial close) on completion of the new hospital.  There will be a quarterly services payment against availability of the facility.  A performance regime with deductions apply.

for a detailed analysis of the project agremeents, see Bendigo Hospital Project Summary

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Updated: August 25, 2020