Dispute resolution in the telecommunications sector

Publication Year

The global telecommunications sector is in the midst of a transformation caused by privatization, liberalization, and technological change. These trends have dramatically changed the way the sector functions. The number of service providers has increased substantially, as has the range of services they offer. Old business models and commercial arrangements are being abandoned or bypassed while new ones emerge.

Telecommunications Legislation in Transitional and Developing Economies

Publication Year

This report examines the design of telecommunications legislation in countries with transitional and developing economies engaged in liberalizing and privatizing their telecommunications sectors. While recognizing the cliche that this sector is evolving at a dizzying velocity, the authors intended not to address every issue or eventuality of sector development.

Loi Réglementant les télécommunications (Loi 11 juillet du 1999)

Publication Year

This law sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Mauritania. It contains a detailed institutional framework, including the creation of the telecommunications regulatory authority. It includes licensing, competition policy, quality service, interconnection, scarce resources management, universal access, tariffs regulation, and penalties and sanctions.

For more information about this sector, please visit Public–Private Partnerships in Telecommunications & ICT.

Case Study: The Huaral Valley Agrarian Information System, Peru

Publication Year


This case study is on the Huaral Valley project that through infrastructure allowed access to telecommunications and internet service to poor farming communities. It also explains the importance of community empowerment and leadership that brought in significant improvement in ICT projects and made it more affordable to the people.

Telecom Subsidies - Output-Based Contracts for Rural Services in Peru

Publication Year

This article explains how the lowest-subsidy auction functioned in Peru for the telecommunications sector. The author analyzes the bidding process, pricing and subsidies, assessment of the project as a policy, and outcomes of the project.

Case Study: Rural Broadband Backbone (In English, Spanish, and French)

Publication Year

This document discusses different approaches to establishing a broadband network in rural areas. It explains how ICT can aid in eliminating poverty and why ICT pro-poor policies are important for the short and long-term development of an economy. It covers various examples of ICT projects in India with direct investment from the government as a public operator, and on Africa where the ICT facility was executed by a public-private consortium.

Case Study: São Paulo Telecentres Project

Publication Year

This case study is about the involvement of RITS (Rede de Informacão para o Terceiro Setor), a Brazilian civil society organization involved in ICT policy monitoring and advocacy – in setting up community access centers (telecenters) in São Paulo which inspired various policies to roll out telecenters in Brazil. (…) This partnership-based project mobilized policy, investment and technical support leading to the establishment of 128 community-based telecentres.

Resolucion 87 de 1997

Publication Year
Colombia​​​​​​​: Resolucion 87 de 1997 (Resolution 87/1997).  Issued by the Comision Regulacion de Telecomunicaciones (CRT). Por medio de la cual se regula en forma integral los servicios de Telefonía Pública Básica Conmutada (TPBC) en Colombia. Resolution on the internal regulations of services (Public Telephone) offered in Colombia (EN).