France - Agreement of of production, transportation and distribution to the public of drinking water (English)

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IRT Vehicle
French Guide to Lease/ Affermage Agreement for distribution of Drinking Water (with sample agreement), prepared for Association des Maires de France, designed to update 1980 model affermage agreement.

SATCC and USAID Draft Model Legislative Provisions: Road Network Financing and Management

Publication Year

Draft Model Legislative Provisions: Road Network Financing and Management, 5th draft, developed by the Southern Africa Transport Communications Commission (SATCC) and USAID in March 1999

Related Information: 

South Africa - Standard Template for Legislation to Set Up an Autonomous Road Authority

Publication Year

This template was prepared for the Southern Africa Transport and Communications Commission (SATCC) in 1998. It is a comprehensive template that could be used as the basis for drafting legislation for a specific country. It not only covers road management, but also deals with road financing and the regulation of roads and road transport.

Related Information:

PPPs in Roads

Tracking Number: 

ToRs for Consultants to Assist in Establishment of a Public Private Partnership (PPP) Unit

Publication Year
IRT Vehicle

Since the outset of the economic crisis, changes in the economic profiles, the structure of government, and the  social fabric of [COUNTRY] have been dramatic. The country is struggling with these changes to adopt greater democratic practices, as well as more transparent process of decision making and higher levels of public participation in a decision making process. At the same time, GOV has been seeking ways to improve the economic climate and introducing the economy with policy initiatives that will increase investments, create jobs and lift the economic well being of its citizens.