PPIAF Traffic Risk Brief: Understanding Traffic Risk and Traffic Forecasting
PPIAF, July 2014
Terms of Reference: Review and Redrafting of Model Toll Road Documentation
Author: Victoria Rigby Delmon
By delivering efficient, cost-effective and innovative maintenance services, well-designed output and performance-based road maintenance contracts can help maintain road assets and achieve value-for-money. Output-based contracts can also help governments build experience in undertaking Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs).
Infrastructure development is a precondition for economic growth. Due to Paucity of funds it is not possible for the Government to provide road connectivity to the increasing population. Thus emerged an idea of PPP to provide finance for infrastructure development under which the government seeks the participation of private sector for development of roads. BOT is a popular model for the road development in which the sharing is between public and private sector. Maharashtra state has taken proactive measures towards the PPP/BOT approach for the development of roads.
This paper reviews main factors affecting the efficiency of road agencies and describes the steps taken in creating a new institution, or transforming an existing one, and assesses the effort required to achieve such results. In all countries reviewed, the ministry responsible for the transport sector remains the authority responsible for the overall transport policy and for putting in place checks and balances for good governance and management of fiscal risk.
Short-Form Generic Risk Allocation Table for Toll Roads
Lessons Learned from PPIAF Activities: Highways Maintenance PPPs
Lessons Learned In Output and Performance-Based Road Maintenance Contracts
Author: Matt Bull, Ruben Brekelmans, and Lauren Wilson