Central Queensland Coal Network - Model Access Agreement Coal

Publication Year


The Central Queensland Coal Network is operated and managed by Aurizon Network Pty Ltd (Aurizon). It is the largest coal rail network in Australia and comprises four major coal systems (Blackwater, Moura, Goonyella, Newlands). The heavy haul rail infrastructure is used almost exclusively for mine to port transport.  


Philippines Model Bidding Documents for procurement of Works in Infrastructure Projects

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Philippine Bidding Documents (As Harmonized with Development Partners) - Procurement of Infrastructure Projects, Government of the Republic of the Philippines, 4th edition, December 2010. 



Tracking Number: Phillipine_Bidding_Documents.doc

Model Contract for the Use of Railway Infrastructure – Operator Sub-Agreement Hunter Valley

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Operator Sub-Agreement for Indicative Services in the Hunter Valley - Model agreement between Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) and railway operator (Operator).

Model Contract for the Use of Railway Infrastructure – Access Holder Agreement Hunter Valley

Publication Year
Access Holder Agreement for Indicative Services in the Hunter Valley – Model agreement between the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) and the Access Holder (for example, a mining company). ARTC grants the Access Holder the right to access its railway network for the purpose of transporting coal through a railway operator nominated by the Access Holder (Nominated Operator) against payment of an access charge. The Nominated Operator must have an unconditional Operator Sub-Agreement  with ARTC.

Off Track: Sub-Saharan African Railways

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By Richard Bullock, Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostics (AICD) Background Paper, November 2009


The report reviews the results of rail privatization in Sub-Saharan Africa. It analyzes the impact of privatization on relevant factors for railway performance such as traffic growth, operational efficiency and investment.


Related Information: 

Results of Railway Privatization in Latin America (Resultados de la Privatización de Ferrocarriles en América Latina)

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The report reviews the performance of railway concessions in Latin America until 2004. It analyzes the impact of privatization on relevant factors for railway performance such as traffic growth, operational efficiency and investment. Countries covered include Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Bolivia, Chile, Peru and Colombia.

Related Information: 

Railways PPPs