Connectivity, Handshake Issue # 15

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IRT Vehicle
Handshake's issue 15 focuses on connectivity or the physical networks that allow people to communicate as well as the ability to interact with another person or the services one receives from an institution or organization. Public-private partnerships in information and communication technology can help create those connections and most importantly connect the still unconnected. Throughout the issue, we see how transformative ICT has been in the developed world and also acknowledge how far there is to go until everyone is given the same digital resources. We hear first-hand from the head of Facebook's initiative, which aims to bring free internet access to the base of the pyramid.

United Kingdom/England - PPP Units and Related Institutional Framework

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European PPP Expertise Center (EPEC), June 2012. 


For more information on PPP Units visit PPP Units Around the World.


Tracking Number: UK_PPP Units and Related Institutional Framework_EN.pdf