Guidelines for Legal and Commercial Structuring Options Find details of key components that the Relevant Authority should consider during their Project Preparation for Asset Recycling.
Table of Contents for Asset Recycling Read more about Table of Contents for Asset Recycling Find a full outline to modules and sections found in this online guide. I. GUIDELINES FOR IMPLEMENTING ASSET RECYCLINGChapter 1 - Executive Summary
Market Sounding in Asset Recycling Find details of market sounding exercise for an asset recycling transaction.
Multi-asset Procurement (Asset Bundling) in Asset Recycling Find details of multi-asset procurement (asset bundling) for an asset recycling transaction.
Commercial Principles in Asset Recycling Find details of commercial principles for an asset recycling transaction.
Risk Identification and Allocation in Asset Recycling Find risk categories associated with respective functions or with respective phases in an asset recycling transaction.
Ownership Models in Asset Recycling Find options for ownership model for an asset recycling transaction.
Asset Valuation Methodology in Asset Recycling Find asset valuation methodology for an asset recycling transaction.
Environmental and Social Due Diligence in Asset Recycling Find operational criteria in selecting an appropriate asset as the subject of an asset recycling transaction.
Accounting and Tax Due Diligence in Asset Recycling Find operational criteria in selecting an appropriate asset as the subject of an asset recycling transaction.