
FasoBiogaz SARL is an enterprise located in the industrial zone of Kossodo in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, and operates the first industrial biogas plant connected to the SONABEL power grid. With an installed electrical capacity of 275 kW, the plant is transforming slaughterhouse waste and other available organic substrate into biogas and digestat. While biogas is transformed into electricity and injected into the national power grid, the digestat is commercialized as biofertilizer. The project is financed by the Dutch private investor company Van Kersbergen Invest B.V.

PHARES Program (Programme Haïtien d'Accès des communautés Rurales à l'Energie Solaire)

The PHARES program is developed by the Government of Haiti in close collaboration with the IDB and the WB and aims to increase the access of rural and peri-urban communities to solar energy and in particular to provide access to affordable, accessible sustainable and high quality electricity, through sustainable energy services, through mini-grids using renewable energy, storage and conventional generation units (if necessary), developed and operated by private sector operators. In this mix, at least 50% of the energy produced and consumed must be generated from renewable energy sources.

Request for Proposal for the award of grants and concessions to eligible mini-grid developers for the design, construction and operation of renewable energy mini-grids

The main objective of PHARES is to increase the access of rural and peri-urban communities to solar energy and in particular to provide access to affordable, accessible sustainable and high quality electricity, through sustainable energy services, through mini-grids using renewable energy, storage and conventional generation units (if necessary), developed and operated by private sector operators. In this mix, at least 50% of the energy produced and consumed must be generated from renewable energy sources.

Contrat de Concession de Travaux Publics et de Gestion du Patrimoine de l'Hydraulique Urbaine et Periurbaine au Profit de la Camwater

The contract was designed for the provision of water services in Cameroon between the government of Cameroon and the state-owned company, Cameroon Water Utilities Corporation (Camwater), which is a state-owned asset holding company in charge of managing the property and rights concerning the drinking water service in urban and suburban areas, and is responsible for the construction, maintenance and management of infrastructure, capture, production, storage and transportation of potable water. 

OECD Principles for Good International Engagement in Fragile States

A durable exit from poverty and insecurity for the world’s most fragile states will need to be driven by their own leadership and people. International actors can affect outcomes in fragile states in both positive and negative ways. International engagement will not by itself put an end to state fragility, but the adoption of the following shared Principles can help maximise the positive impact of engagement and minimise unintentional harm.

PPPs in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States (FCS)

Private sector investment is essential to support the budgets of governments to deliver basic infrastructure services. Especially in the developing world, PPPs can enhance the scope, quality and timely delivery of basic public services. However, a number of factors make it difficult for the private sector to get involved in the delivery of infrastructure services in developing countries.