Case Studies in FCS

Examples of private sector engagement in the provision of infrastructure services in FCS as well as case studies that show the difficulties in implementing PPPs in FCS organized by sector and country are set out below.

Models for Private Sector Engagement in FCS

The difficult political, economic and regulatory environment in FCS creates challenges for PPPs, where the long pay-back phase for the private sector investors and lenders leaves them exposed to public sector risk over an extended period. This means that classic PPP models are not well suited to such situations and either

Output-Based Aid in Fragile and Conflict Situations

Throughout the world, poverty is increasingly concentrated in countries and regions affected by fragility and conflict, which intensify already acute challenges to development. Fragility and conflict can range from persistent domestic or cross-border violence to vulnerability in the face of natural disasters or extreme weather events related to climate change, such as flooding or droughts.

Governing Infrastructure Regulators in Fragile Environments

Countries exiting situations of fragility face many urgent priorities and almost invariably suffer from substantial infrastructure deficits. During periods of fra- gility and conflict there is typically very little infrastructure investment, while existing installations are often damaged or destroyed. Immediately after the conflict, especially in poor, rural or peri-urban areas, small-scale providers often emerge to respond to pent-up demand for infrastructure services.

Myanmar: Telecommunications Reform

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar (Myanmar) is one of the largest and poorest countries in the South East Asian region. The country recently emerged out of 60 years of conflict with run-down infrastructure from years of civil unrest. The government has embarked on a long-term transition from an authoritarian military system to democratic governance; from a centrally directed economy to market oriented reforms; and from years of strife to peace.