PPP Unit Mauritius

The Procurement Policy Office is the governmental body in charge of PPPs in Mauritius.

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PPP Unit Mauritania

La cellule PPP est l’organe opérationnel chargé d’assister et d’apporter son expertise au Comité Interministériel, au Comité Technique d’Appui aux PPP et aux Autorités Contractantes au cours du processus d’identification, de préparation, de développement et d’exécution des projets PPP en Mauritanie.

PPP Unit Malawi

The PPP Commission (PPPC) is the implementation Agency for PPPs in Malawi. It is also responsible for developing guidelines on best practices to assist sector Ministries in the roll-out of their PPP projects. The PPPC works closely with the Ministry of Finance in the review and assessment of PPP project affordability, value-for-money, feasibility, and contingent liabilities associated with PPP projects.