Public-Private Partnerships (International Monetary Fund)

Publication Year

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) involve private sector supply of infrastructure assets and services that have traditionally been provided by the government. An infusion of private capital and management can ease fiscal  constraints on infrastructure investment and increase efficiency. Reflecting these advantages, PPPs are taking off around the world: there are well-established programs in a number of countries (including Chile, Ireland, Mexico, and the United Kingdom), and less developed programs or a good deal of interest in many others.

User Guidebook on Implementing Public-Private Partnerships for Transportation Infrastructure Projects in the United States

Publication Year

This document provides guidance in the application of PPPs to transportation projects based on the experiences of transportation agencies in the U.S. and other countries that have applied these delivery approaches. The guidebook is aimed at both early practitioners of PPP projects as well as those agencies just beginning to consider the possibility of instituting PPP approaches for projects currently stalled for lack of available resources.

Chile - Summary of regulations for providing public infrastructure - unsolicited bids

Publication Year
IRT Vehicle

The legal regulations for providing public infrastructure through the Concessions Program are contained in several legal texts, but are found mainly in the Concessions Law and its accompanying Regulations. These regulate adjudication, execution, repair or maintenance of state public works given in concession.

The process to manage unsolicited proposals is also contained in the main Concessions Law and the process details are found in secondary legislation .


Chilean Concession Regulations 956

Publication Year

 La concesión comprenderá:
a) La prestación en el área de concesión de los servicios básicos y complementarios para los que fue construida la obra.
b) La conservación de la obra en óptimas condiciones de uso.
c) El cobro de tarifas que pagarán los usuarios de los servicios básicos y de los servicios complementarios.
d) La ejecución de las inversiones o reinversiones que constituyen el plan de desarrollo del proyecto.
e) El uso y goce sobre los bienes nacionales de uso público o fiscales destinados a desarrollar la obra entregada en concesión.