Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) - Improving Performance of Irrigation Services Provision

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World Bank Institute (WBI) free e-learning course


This short e-learning course aims to help improve the understanding of how some irrigation water management challenges can be addressed through private sector participation, as an alternative to government managed irrigation. This is a relatively new concept in most countries. The development goal is to foster sustainable irrigation services for farmers, a challenge that is exacerbated by climate change. 


Related Information: 

Exploring Public-Private Partnership in the Irrigation and Drainage Sector in India - A Scoping Study

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This report is the result of a scoping investigative study initiated by the Asian Development Bank to explore the potential for public-private partnerships in the irrigation and drainage sector in India. It identifies the areas where private sector participation can be integrated with the current national policy framework; examines the legal and institutional status, and presence of national and international best practices; and suggests PPP models appropriate to Indian conditions.