Varaždin County School Program, Croatia

At the time this project was initiated in 2006, the schools in Varaždin County, Croatia had become significantly overcrowded. To accommodate all students, schools had started organizing their classes into two core sessions per day, one morning school and one afternoon school, for six days each week instead of five.

Mafra and Ericeira Business Factory, Portugal

The municipality of Mafra has an area of 291 km2 and 76,685 inhabitants. In 2015, it wanted to nurture entrepreneurship in its villages in order to create jobs and thereby encourage people to stay and contribute to the villages.

Bundled Schools, Ireland

In 2005, Ireland’s Minister for Education and Science established a Schools Program aiming to deliver 27 new schools in rapidly developing areas, either by replacing existing schools with new facilities or refurbishing existing schools.

Unity Housing Estate, Bauchi Town, Nigeria

Nigeria faces a significant shortfall in housing stock, particularly in urban areas such as the town of Bauchi. To help address this problem, the then Governor of Bauchi, Mallam Isa Yuguda, initiated a PPP project for low-cost housing in 2009, due to the limited funds avialable through the state budget.

Dege Eco Village, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

To address the housing deficit problem, the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) of Tanzania partnered with a private company called Azimio Housing Estate Limited to construct Tanzania’s “most ambitious housing project,” called Dege Eco Village in Dar es Salaam.

Sustainable Housing Project in Turin, Italy

In order to provide housing for vulnerable individuals and families, including families waitlisted for public housing, single-income families, lowincome young couples, posted workers, students, and immigrants, the City of Turin initiated a series of affordable temporary social housing projects.

Slum Rehabilitation Scheme, Maharashtra, India

The Government of Maharashtra launched its Slum Rehabilitation Scheme (SRS) in December 1995. It is a PPP scheme that invites private developers to invest in slum rehabilitation projects in return for extra Floor Square Index (FSI).