Partnership for Market Implementation Facility

The Partnership for Market Implementation (PMI) assists countries to design, pilot, and implement pricing instruments aligned with their development priorities. A 10-year program with a capitalization target of US$250 million, the Partnership brings an ambitious and long-term vision for the viability of carbon markets to its support for programs and policies -- across jurisdictions and sectors -- that  introduce a strong price signal on carbon emissions and contribute to the Paris Agreement goal of limiting temperature rise to 1.5°C.

Climate Market Club

The Climate Market Club (or "Club") is a group of national governments and non-sovereign members that agree on common principles and jointly develop modalities for piloting activities under Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement. The objective of the Club is to serve as a forum for discussion and consensus on how different elements of Article 6.2. of the Paris Agreement can be piloted.

The Climate Warehouse

The Climate Warehouse program prototypes, tests, and develops digital infrastructure to foster greater transparency, trust, and integrity in the carbon markets. Successfully prototyped and tested elements of the digital infrastructure will be operationalized to build the market infrastructure.