Examples of Policies that Incorporate Existing Operators into New PPPs

This situation is quite common in the transportation sector, especially in where a new transportation system such as bus rapid transit is created. Examples of countries that have had to face this situation are Colombia and Peru (see below). The governments of these countries recognized the policy need to allow existing operators to be included in the new system, and structured the PPP to allow for such considerations.

Accelerating the PPP Process and Reducing Costs: The Recommended PPP Contractual Provisions Initiative

All of the parties involved in public-private partnership (PPP) transactions – including both governments and project developers – frequently express concern over the time and expense involved in creating the legal agreements that are at the center of every PPP project. Everyone recognizes the importance of PPP contracts, since they are the documents that set out how the partnership will work – but there are constant calls for making the contractual drafting process quicker and less expensive.

Water Regulation: Regulation by Contract with a Separate Regulator (Hybrid)


Under the hybrid model, regulation by contract is combined with supervision by an independent regulator. Typically, tariffs agreed upon by the parties to the contract need to be approved by the regulator. This combined approach has been used for public utilities (as in Colombia and Kenya) and private WSPs (as in Colombia and Niger).

Regulation by Contract


Regulation by contract uses no separate regulatory agency, and the public sector asset holder to a contract monitors the performance of the operator (usually private but sometimes public). A contract typically defines the relationship between the asset owner and the service provider. France is a country with a long history of PSPs contracting with local government. Such arrangements are also in place in Metro Manila, and they are being used increasingly for public utilities through performance contracts in France, Germany, and Uganda.

Clauses de recours exclusif: note et exemple de formulation


Une clause de recours exclusif décrit les voies de recours dont une partie dispose pour un événement particulier exclusivement et exclut toute autre voie de recours. Une clause de dommages-intérêts conventionnels définit au préalable les dommages-intérêts et empêche les parties de demander des dommages-intérêts généraux. Les entrepreneurs demandent habituellement d'inclure une clause de recours exclusif dans un contrat.

Liste de contrôle relative aux contrats de construction

Intérêts des prêteurs

A. Introduction

Cette liste de contrôle n'a pas pour objectif de remplacer l'analyse du contrat de construction, mais est destinée à être utilisée après une telle analyse afin de vérifier que tous les domaines clés du contrat ont été traités. L'essentiel n'est pas d'obtenir des réponses positives à l'ensemble des questions ci-dessous afin d'être en mesure d'accorder une analyse positive à un contrat, mais nous espérons que la liste de contrôle servira à identifier des domaines qui nécessitent une plus grande attention.

Lois relatives aux PPP/Lois relatives aux concessions

As detailed in the section Legal Framework / Evaluation of the Enabling Environment for PPPs , there are a number of areas where the existing legislation of the host country may require some changes to be successful public-private partnership projects (PPP) in the field of infrastructure (for example, to grant a right of intervention to lenders or to allow open and fair procurement process). These changes can be enshrined in the legislation specific to a sector or, in the case of procurement in the legislation on the award of contracts or those relating to competition, or they can be included in a general law on concessions or PPP. This site contains links that provide advice on drafting legislation on PPP / concessions and provide examples of laws on PPP / concessions enacted.