Wind Power Energy

Wind can drive wind turbines to produce electrical power, windmills to produce mechanical power, or wind pumps to pump water, or for drainage. Below are laws and regulations in various jurisdictions as well as sample agreements and additional resources related to wind power projects.

Solar Power Energy

Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity through the use of solar cells, i.e., photovoltaic cells, or the use of concentrated solar power(CSP).

Renewable Energy

Many countries have adapted energy policies and laws to encourage investment in renewable energy (RE) sources. They are also looking to different financing, legal and commercial frameworks, including public-private partnerships (PPPs) to leverage private capital and expertise to support the development of renewable energy projects. This section includes links to RE policies, laws, and regulations from countries around the world, key sample and standardized contracts used for the implementation of RE projects, as well as, reading materials and links to useful online resources.

Preparing, Procuring and Implementing Climate-Smart PPPs

Infrastructure and its services may become increasingly affected by climate change-related extreme weather events as well as by gradual, longer-term incremental changes. It is therefore essential to incentivize investment in low-carbon PPPs and to ensure that changing climate conditions and potential climate change mitigation and adaptation measures are identified and considered during the development, design and implementation of each individual PPP project.

Climate-Smart PPP Legal and Regulatory Framework

Climate-Smart PPP Policies and Legislation

PPP policies and legislation can lay down the guiding principles to ensure that a climate change impact analysis is undertaken during project development and that the identified issues and opportunities are reflected in the project design and implementation.

Climate-Smart PPPs

To deliver climate-smart infrastructure solutions, private investment and expertise is essential, including sustainable infrastructure finance through public-private partnership (PPP) models. This section of the PPPLRC website provides links to policies, legislation, project documents and other resources that are relevant for developing, structuring and implementing climate-smart PPP projects.