The Role of National Development Banks in Catalyzing International Climate Finance

This publication discusses the unique role that National development banks (NDBs) could play in scaling up private financing for climate change mitigation projects through the intermediation of international and national public climate finance in their respective local credit markets and the conditions that would be needed for them to be most effective. It draws from experiences in international climate finance and best practices, processes, and products of NDBs within the Latin American and Caribbean region.

The Climate Finance Portal

This portal is a gateway to information on activities funded in developing countries to implement the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The Portal presents information on financial resources that have been made available to Non-Annex I Parties to the UNFCCC, and consists of the following four modules:

National Communications Module, Fast-start Finance Module, Funds Managed by the GEF Module and Adaptation Fund Module.


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Demystifying Private Climate Finance

The report aims to increase policy-makers and climate negotiators understanding of the essentials of private finance, and it suggests and introduces a generic logic and approach – a sequence of questions – that climate negotiators and policy-makers should follow when debating, and ultimately designing, the public interventions required for the unlocking of at-scale private climate finance.


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Good Climate Finance Guide

This paper uses six criteria for ‘good climate finance’ and a positive deviance approach to draw lessons from six international climate funds and two development financing mechanisms to understand where climate finance is being delivered effectively to support locally led solutions. Based on this, it also presents recommendations for how climate finance could better support local actors to access and deliver the climate finance that they need to build their own climate and nature- positive solutions.


Accessing Climate Finance: A step-by-step approach for practitioners

This eighth handbook in the series addresses the needs which emerged during the ClimaSouth Climate Finance regional workshop held in Barcelona on 9 – 11 March 2016 at the headquarters of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM). The results of the study are presented in this handbook as a practical set of tools for key government and other stakeholders in partner countries to access climate finance. The tools focus on the preparation and assessment of project applications.