Title: Economic Commission for Europe Declaration on a Zero Tolerance Approach to Corruption in Public-Private Partnerships Procurement
Language: English
Type: Document
Nature: Laws and Regulations
Published: November 21, 2018
Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)
Country: Global / Non-Specific
Topic: Transparency, Good Governance and Anti-corruption
Keywords: Knowledge Lab ***, PPPs by Topic *, Transparency, Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Mechanisms **, Anti-corruption
Document Summary:
The present document contains the ECE Declaration on a Zero Tolerance Approach to Corruption in Public-Private Partnerships Procurement aimed at facilitating the voluntary1 implementation and dissemination of the ECE Standard on a Zero Tolerance Approach to Corruption in Public-Private Partnerships Procurement contained in document ECE/CECI/WP/PPP/2017/4 and adopted by the Committee on Innovation, Competitiveness and Public-Private Partnerships.
Document Details:
Fully mindful of the challenges we face as public officials and stakeholders to the provision of public services and public goods, we acknowledge the:
Magnitude of economic and social development that will be required, including the large sum of financing and increased public sector capacity that will be needed, to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals;
Unique contribution which Public-Private Partnerships, and ‘People-first’ Public- Private Partnerships specifically, can make to the achievement of these Goals;
Risk that corruption left unchecked will demean our best efforts, compromise our officials and systems, and put in jeopardy all that we are striving for in SDG 16 and 17 and the ambitions of the Sustainable Development Goals as a whole; and
Importance of fully supporting a zero-tolerance approach to corruption in Public- Private Partnerships Procurement as outlined in the ECE Standard.
Wish to make publicly, openly, and solemnly 21 commitments that will guide our actions and help to put an end to corruptive practices.