
Country Profile: Brazil

Find country-level PPP profile and links to key data and resources.  Find more in our Country Profile section.

PPP Unit Brazil
Unidade PPP, Secretaria da Fazenda do Estado da Bahia (Brasil) - Website for the PPP Unit of the State of… more
PPP Laws/Concession Laws - Brazil
Law 11.079 - Establishes general rules for bidding and contracting public-private partnerships within the… more
Infrastructure Indicators
Access the World Development Indicators database through the Open Data site and DataBank to post queries, download… more
Benchmarking Infrastructure Development
Benchmarking Infrastructure Development 2023 is an initiative of the World Bank’s Infrastructure Finance, PPPs &… more
Private Participation in Infrastructure (PPI)… See detail on projects, sectors, financial closure and other useful information for countries covered by the PPI… more
GCI Infrastructure Score
The Global Competitiveness Report Special Edition 2020, How Countries are Performing on the Road to Recovery, is… more
Country Profile: Latin America and the Caribbean…
Listed below are Country-level PPP profiles and links to key data and resources in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC… more
The State of PPPs: Infrastructure Public-Private…
Governments have long acknowledged the key role infrastructure plays in economic growth and poverty reduction. As… more
PPP and Concession Project Finance in Brazil:…
In order to contribute to the improvement of public procedures related to the structuring of infrastructure projects in… more
Portal Brazil - Parceria Público-Privada (PPP)
The official website of Brazilian PPP Portal provides legislation and reference regarding Brazil PPPs.
PPIAF Supports a Water Utility in Brazil’s…
The water company owned by the Brazilian state government of Sergipe (“DESO”) had gone through several years of… more
Private Participation in the Road Sector in…
Most of the main roads in Brazil would then be operated as private concessions which, in turn, lead to good road… more
Performance Based Contracts in the Road Sector:…
The concept proved attractive and, as a result, spread progressively in the country, often with Bank support: by late… more
Brazil: Suape Container Terminal
As part of a major port sector reform program, the government of the northeastern Brazilian state of Pernambuco hired… more
Brazil: Suape Container Terminal
Brazil: Belo Horizonte Schools
Belo Horizonte, the third largest city in Brazil, has made early education a priority in an effort to improve the… more
Brazil: Galeão and Confins Airports
Brazil’s second round of airport concessions will increase operational efficiency, improve the level of service to… more
Brazil: Hospital do Subúrbio
Brazil’s first public-private partnership (PPP) in health dramatically improved emergency hospital services for one… more
20 Anos da Lei de Concessões, 10 Anos da Lei de…
O presente livro é uma compilação de estudos escritos, sobretudo, ao longo dos últimos cinco anos sobre a Lei Federal… more
Toward Cleaner, Cheaper Power Streamlined…
Practioner Note (PNote) Issue 29. Toward Cleaner, Cheaper Power Streamlined Licensing of Hydroelectric Projects in… more

For more resources on Brazil, click here or check out the Public-Private Partnership Resource Center Library