Asset Valuation Methodology in Asset Recycling

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Valuation of the asset is conducted to estimate and determine the fair value of the upfront fee that a bidder may pay to the Relevant Authority (or any other form of consideration). This is a crucial step in the due diligence process. The financial advisor typically is required to conduct such asset valuation exercise as part of its scope of work. Hiring experienced advisors is a significant factor to ensure that asset valuation is done as accurately and as closely to international best practice as possible. The following basic principles would need to be applied in conducting valuation for assets under an asset recycling transaction: Appropriate techniques and methodology, such as the ones presented below, should be applied with respect to the nature, facts, circumstances of the asset and use of reasonable market data and technical assumptions. Due to uncertainties inherent in estimating the fair value for the asset, care should be applied in exercising judgement and making the necessary estimates. All available information that may materially impact the valuation should be factored in. Proper assessment of quality and reliability of all the data used in valuation. There are two broad methodologies – Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) method and Multiples method – which can be used to value the asset. Both discounted cash-flow and multiples approach have their own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, both approaches should be conducted together to identify an appropriate asset price range. Generally, the multiples approach should be utilized to verify or benchmark the asset value with other similar assets. It should be noted that for many infrastructure projects, it may be difficult to find similar transactions with publicly available accurate information, or publicly listed entities to use as benchmark for multiples-based valuation assessment given the specific nature of the concession arrangements. Table 5: Asset Valuation Methodologies
The Guidelines have not been prepared with any specific transaction in mind and are meant to serve only as general guidance. It is therefore critical that the Guidelines be reviewed and adapted for specific transactions To find more, visit the Guidelines to Implementing Asset Recycling Transactions Section Overview and Content Outline, or Download the Full Report.
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