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Toolkit Navigator: Introductory Phase

Photo Credit: Image by Pixabay

This phase introduces the enabling environment of climate smart investments, providing a quick overview of the
global climate landscape and its national policies and instruments.

The phase includes:

  • A description of the climate goals and principles of the Paris Agreement and other major international frameworks, and the role of national instruments (i.e.,NDCs and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)) inaddressing global climate change at a national scale
  • A description of the national governance framework on climate change (i.e., the legislation system and the domestic governance) highlighting institutional capacities and synergies 


  • Module 0.1 Climate Policies Digest

    • Step 1 - Understand the international climate policy landscape
    • Step 2 - Comprehend the national climate policy framework
    • Step 3 - Review country’s commitments
  • Module 0.2 National Governance Framework on Climate Change

    • Step 1 - Review climate legislation
    • Step 2 - Review institutional capacity

Areas of Guidance

  • Overview of the international climate policy landscape: A timeline of events that led to the 2015 Paris Agreement; description of intra-governmental commitments; a brief introduction on the IPCC (2014) assessment report and the current state of knowledge in climate change.

  • National instruments for the implementation of the Paris Agreement: Understanding the complementary role of NDCs, NAPs, and long-term strategies (LTS); determining their implementation status by reviewing their comprehensives, ambition, timeliness, equity, and their alignment with the Paris Agreement and the domestic climate legislation; screening NDCs and NAPs to identify specific targets and country-specific action plans (e.g., GHG target and peaking year, non-GHG targets, NDC coverage, and specific sector commitments, measures for enhancing climate adaptation and resilience at a country level; gender-equity provisions)

  • Paris Agreement compatibility check of domestic legislation: Current status of climate legislation and its relevance to the NDC pledges; performing a sector-wide and subnational screening of climate legislation; reviewing existing and (anticipated) national and sub-national policy frameworks, instruments, development plans, and sectoral programs, as well as recognizing implications for new infrastructure investments.

  • Institutional capacity on climate change: Scanning the domestic institutional framework; mapping key actors in the decision making process on climate matters, including entities that oversee the implementation of NDCs and NAPs; understanding the devolution of climate change policies and the role of states/municipalities in forming and implementing the climate agenda; understanding the horizontal organization/ coordination of ministries/agencies and their role in planning, developing, and monitoring of climate actions

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Updated: May 26, 2022

Renewable Energy Project Resource Centre (REPRC)

hosted by Energypedia

Wiki-based library of energy project resources. Includes sample terms of references, procurement documents, economic analyses and case studies (success factors and lessons learned).