Morocco: Noor Ouarzazate Concentrated Solar Power Complex

The Noor II and III Concentrated Solar Power Plants of Ourzazate signal progress in Morocco’s commitment to increase its share of renewable energy generation from its current rate of 28 percent to 52 percent by 2030. Both projects are part of the Noor Concentrated Solar Power Complex, which will generate power for more than 1.1 million Moroccans by 2018 and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 690,000 tons of CO2 equivalent per year.

Public private partnerships in Morocco: Legal base of an alternative mode of governance

Les partenariats public-privé ont été expérimentés aussi bien dans les pays développés que dans les pays émergents selon des modalités et des montages diversifiés. Inhérente au paradigme de la bonne gouvernance en tant que processus interactif d’échange entre acteurs, cette démarche s’est développée empiriquement et progressivement sur un même leitmotiv: une meilleure gestion du service public que seule la collaboration entre secteur public et secteur privé peut assurer.

Legal Framework for Telecommunications in Morocco

The Post and Telecommunications Act No. 24-96 (as amended). Latest amendment, Law No. 121-12, amending and supplementing the Post and Telecommunications Act No. 24-96. 

This law sets out the general legal framework for telecommunications in Morocco. It contains a detailed institutional framework, inlcuding the establishment of the regulator. It includes licensing, quality service, interconnection, co-location, universal service, tariffs regulation, penalties and sanctions and dispute resolution. It also covers some postal service issues.

Solid Waste Laws and Regulations

Laws and regulatory considerations for solid waste management projects may include questions of land ownership, public health, standards and accountability, environmental and social benefits, and other issues. Find examples of solid waste legislation and policies from different countries