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Title Region Country Sector Topic Document(s)
Public-Private Partnerships Reference Guide: Version 2.0
Type: Guidelines
Languages: English
Published: Jan 01, 2014
Global Global / Non-Specific Tools
The Limits and Possibilities of Prepaid Water in Urban Africa: Lessons from the Field
Type: Report
Languages: English
Published: Jan 01, 2014
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) Global / Non-Specific Water and Sanitation
Attracting Investors to African Public-Private Partnerships (Promotion des partenariats public-privé africains auprès des investisseurs)
Type: Report
Languages: English
Published: Jan 01, 2009
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) Global / Non-Specific
La gouvernance des services de l’eau en Tunisie – Surmonter les défis de la participation du secteur privé
Type: Report
Languages: French
Published: Jan 01, 2014
Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Tunisia Water and Sanitation
Water Governance in Jordan – Overcoming the Challenges to Private Sector Participation
Type: Report
Languages: English
Published: Jan 01, 2014
Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Global / Non-Specific Water and Sanitation
Moving Forward on Public Private Partnerships: U.S. and International Experience with PPP Units
Type: Report
Languages: English
Published: Jan 01, 2011
Global Global / Non-Specific
Role and Use of Advisers in Preparing and Implementing PPP Projects
Type: Report
Languages: English
Published: Jan 01, 2014
Global Global / Non-Specific
Overview of the PPP Legal and Institutional Frameworks in the Western Balkans
Type: Report
Languages: English
Published: Jan 01, 2014
Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Global / Non-Specific Legal Framework, Country Profile
State Guarantees in PPPs: A guide to better evaluation, design, implementation and management
Type: Guidelines
Languages: English
Published: Jan 01, 2011
Global Global / Non-Specific