Title: Guidelines for Successful Public-Private Partnerships

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 1, 2003

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: Contractual Provisions


Document Summary:

Recent years have seen a marked increase in cooperation between the public and private sectors for the development and operation of infrastructure for a wide range of economic activities. Such Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) arrangements were driven by limitations in public funds to cover investments needs but also by efforts to increase the quality and efficiency of public services.


PPPs have a long history in some Member States of the EU while being a more recent development in others. PPPs have received a boost in various countries undergoing process of significant economic growth.


Ref: EU Guidelines for Successful PPP

Document Details:


European Commission, 2003. These Guidelines are designed as a practical tool for public-private partnership (PPP) practitioners in the public sector faced with the opportunity of structuring a PPP scheme and of integrating grant financing. They focus on four key topics: Ensuring open market access and fair competition; protecting the public interest and maximising value added; defining the optimal level of grant financing both to realize a viable and sustainable project but also to avoid any opportunity for windfall profits from grants; assessing the most effective type of PPP for a given project.


Tracking Number: EU Guidelines for Successful PPP

Updated: August 25, 2020