Title: Plug-In Electric Vehicle Handbook

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Handbook

Published: January 1, 2015

Region: North America (NA)

Country: United States

Sector: Transportation

Keywords: Age of Disruption, Transport

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Document Summary:

Today, PEVs are back and ready to compete with—and complement—the ubiquitous ICE technology. First, advances in electric-drive technologies enabled commercialization of hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), which integrate an ICE or other power source with batteries, regenerative braking, and an electric motor to boost fuel economy. Continued technological advances have spawned plug-in HEVs (PHEVs), which integrate small ICEs (or other power sources) and large, grid-chargeable batteries that enable all-electric driving ranges of 10 to 40 miles or more. Advanced technologies have also enabled manufacturers to introduce a new generation of EVs that don’t use an ICE at all. At the same time, charging station technologies have evolved to facilitate a range of charging options and business models.

Document Details:

Key Acronyms

EVs (all-electric vehicles) are powered only by one or more electric motors. They receive electricity by plugging into the grid and store it in batteries. They consume no petroleum-based fuel while driving and produce no tailpipe emissions.

EVSE (electric vehicle supply equipment) delivers electrical energy from an electricity source to charge a PEV’s batteries. It communicates with the PEV to ensure that an appropriate and safe flow of electricity is supplied. EVSE units are commonly referred to as “charging stations.”

HEVs (hybrid electric vehicles) combine an ICE or other propulsion source with batteries, regenerative braking, and an electric motor to provide high fuel economy. They rely on a petroleum-based or an alternative fuel for power and are not plugged in to charge. HEV batteries are charged by the ICE or other propulsion source and during regenerative braking.

ICEs (internal combustion engines) generate mechanical power by burning a liquid fuel (such as gasoline, diesel, or biofuels) or a gaseous fuel (such as compressed natural gas). They are the dominant power source for on-road vehicles today.

PEVs (plug-in electric vehicles) derive all or part of their power from electricity supplied by the electric grid. They include EVs and PHEVs.

PHEVs (plug-in hybrid electric vehicles) use batteries to power an electric motor, plug into the electric grid to charge, and use a petroleum-based or an alternative fuel to power an ICE or other propulsion source.

Updated: December 28, 2023