Title: Study on up-take of emerging technologies in public procurement

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: February 26, 2020

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: Disruption and PPPs **

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

this Final Report aims to provide ideas and inspiration for public organisations interested in applying emerging technologies to the public procurement process, eventually enhancing the digital transformation processes of public procurers in the European Union (EU).

Document Details:

This report is structured as follows:

  1. The first chapter introduces the report, its purpose and structure;
  2. The second chapter presents an executive summary of the main findings of the study, including the development of the longlist of projects applying emerging technologies to public procurement, the 20 detailed case studies, and the lessons learnt from these case studies;
  3. The third chapter provides a detailed description of theoretical applications of emerging technologies to the public procurement process, together with an overview of the real-life usecases identified in the longlist of initiatives;
  4. The fourth chapter introduces the 20 projects selected as case studies applying emerging technologies to public procurement. It presents each case study in turn, including the context in which the project was developed, its objectives and vision, the technological solution, results and future expectations, costs and requirements, risks and mitigation, challenges and lessons learnt;
  5. The fifth chapter presents a summary of the main findings of the cases studies, identifying the overall impacts, costs, requirements and risks associated with each technology examined, as well as the key lessons that can be drawn;
  6. The final chapter presents conclusions of the study and suggests directions for future work.

Updated: December 27, 2023