Title: Engaging the Private Sector in Liberia's Electricity Future

Language: English

Type: Video

Nature: Website

Published: June 6, 2013

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Country: Liberia

Sector: Energy and Power

Keywords: Knowledge Lab ***, Energy and Power

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

An introductory video published on Youtube.

Document Details:

With the assistance of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Government of Liberia awarded a five-year management contract for the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) to Manitoba Hydro International (MHI) of Canada in 2010. With the support of donors, including USAID, Norway, the World Bank and the European Union, the contract aims to rebuild the electricity system in Monrovia and significantly expand access to electricity while improving the operational and financial performance of LEC. One boost to improving collections and increasing connections is the introduction of pre-paid metering. As many literate, educated people fled the country during the war, an ongoing challenge is building the local capacity necessary to operate the growing utility

Updated: June 28, 2022